Protecting Boxwood…

I’m grateful for the warmer temperatures we’ve enjoyed this week.  It’s given me that extra bit of time to check off the last-minute chores in the garden.  Most important is wrapping the boxwood hedges with burlap to protect them against the north-west winds.


Getting the supplies together takes more time than actually covering the boxwood.  I use 18″ surveying stakes as a frame to hold the burlap in place.

Not all gardening experts agree that it’s necessary to protect boxwood over the winter months.  I have not regretted covering mine and see no downside.  Although the variety of my boxwood (Green Velvet) is hardy in my growing zone, harsh winds, heavy snow loads or worse yet the freeze, thaw cycle can wreak havoc on young or delicate plants.

The hedges in the back garden (above).

The hedges in the front garden (above).


I planted boxwood in containers along the front side of the garage.  After a heavy watering, I have also draped burlap over them.

 A friend gave me this tip to protect fountains by putting burlap in the bowls to absorb some of the moisture from snow in winter  (photo above).  The burlap will also be a provide a soft backing for the lights, fresh greenery and glass Christmas balls that I decorate the fountain with over the winter months.


The above photos are of Martha Stewart’s boxwood allee at her home in Bedford, New York.  I like the framing system she has (shown on the left).  It looks sturdy enough to keep a heavy snowfall from bending or breaking the branches below.

I have been visualizing a permanent decorative iron frame for my boxwood hedges in the front garden. The details haven’t been formulated yet, but it may keep my imagination active over the winter months!

I hope you are also enjoying the final weeks of fall gardening.

xox Judy


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