Leaving the nest…

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As most regions begin the process of reopening businesses and public places after the pandemic lockdown, is it time for individuals to step through their front doors back into the real world?

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During the past three months, we’ve all had more than enough time at home to contemplate what our own futures would look like.  We’ve been able to reassess what is important to us now compared to what occupied our time in the past.  Will there be a new normal for most of us?

By nature, I’m not a homebody.  In fact, the exact opposite is true.  When I was recovering from surgery on my ankle, I spent 8 weeks on one level of my house.  Time seemed to stop still. As soon as I got my “walking boot”, I was in the car, visiting family, back at work, catching up on my social life and feeling an overwhelming sense of freedom…I was free at last!

I’ve missed my grandsons more than words can say.  Meeting up with friends is paramount, and I’m desperate to go out for coffee again (making it at home is just not cutting it!).  I want to visit my favourite local shops to show my support, hoping that every little bit of business will help to keep their doors open.  I’m so tired of my own cooking that a dine-in restaurant meal can’t come soon enough.  And I need a hair cut…three months ago!

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There is a big BUT here though…I’m feeling like this little bird in this quote.  Although I know the door is open, there is a part of me that is hesitating to cross that threshold.

With so many important issues bubbling over at the same time…the political tensions, the serious health crisis, and protests amid social unrest, there is much to consider before re-entering society.

How are you feeling about leaving your nest?

xox Judy

6 thoughts on “Leaving the nest…”

  1. Hesitant! The very few times I’ve gone out since March 15…yes, I remember the exact last “freedom/normal” outing, dinner with friends to celebrate my husband & a good friend’s birthdays…I’ve been relieved to return home, and not eager for a repeat. I doubt my “return to society” will happen quickly or soon. Happily, I’m content at home in the gardens!

  2. Judy, I feel the same anxiety. Normal life, or the new normal which resembles our good old days, is like Eve’s apple and Adam. It tempts you, but there is a risk. The risk is that the virus is still there, and young people don’t always take it seriously. I’m a home buddy after I go out shopping and meeting friends for coffee. Normally, I can’t stay a day at home without going out. The dog and walks help a lot, but those can’t replace socializing with family and friends. And the shopping at little boutiques, like we used to shop at yours, is still iffy. There is only hope that our normal like will return when we are still able to do all that and travel.

    1. Hi Eva, We just have to have faith that sometime in the not too far off future we will be able to revisit all the activities that we took for granted. Let’s hope that isn’t too far off…

  3. Thank God for my yard, or I would have gone mad two and a half months ago. I agree, the news has been devastating and disturbing in all that you mentioned Judy. I was watching it on a daily basis, and it was adding significantly to my anxiety. So I have stopped watching, and I feel so much better. Well, ok, I take a peek about once a week.
    I did meet a friend at Art of Cake last week. Only two tables are open for seating. We both felt very comfortable and safe.
    I am confident that like all other viruses, this one too shall pass, and we will return to our normal lives. I do hope that people will continue to hand sanitize, and business will continue to sanitize their environment.

    1. Hi Karen, good for you for not getting caught up in all the negative news that just plays on repeat on cable news. Up until now, I haven’t been able to tear myself away from it. Yes, being outdoors in the garden has been a life saviour!

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