Simple Pleasures…

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If the past two months have taught us anything, I hope we now realize that we shouldn’t put off doing the things we’ve talked about doing or more importantly dreamed about.  We’ve never really known what may be around the corner, but this situation is teaching us not to wait around to find out.

By nature I’m not a homebody…one of my favourite sights every morning is seeing the garage door close as I’m driving away for the day.  With the strong “stay home” measures in place,  I’m seeing my surroundings through a different lens and have come to appreciate the comforts of home.

I haven’t changed the decor in my home for several years.  I’m at that point where I’m happy with how everything fits together and there just isn’t room for anything new. What I’m saying is that I’m not prepared to take something out to bring in something new.  As I look around,  I can honestly say I’ve taken my little haven for granted.  Now I’m taking the time I see the beauty in everyday things.  My house is not “show home” worthy but a home filled with comfort, convenience and the most wonderful memories.   The floor coverings are doggy proof as are the upholstery fabrics,  which must also pass the “dinners in front of the TV” test and times when the whole family is home, lounging on the sofas under cozy throws or watching movies while enjoying buttery popcorn, chocolatey treats and, of course, colourful beverages.

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As you are all aware by now, I am not a gourmet cook.  I’m actually not a cook at all!  Unlike many of you who are cooking up a storm during this lockdown, on most nights I’m stumped to come up with an idea for what to make for dinner.  In the past, I’ve gone to the market almost every day, picking up only what is required for the day.  This, I’m finding is definitely not the way to build a well-stocked pantry!  As I scroll through Pinterest looking for something appetizing to make,  chances are good, I don’t have two or three of the key ingredients.  But if I do make dinner, I have a butler’s pantry that is stacked high with serving pieces that can plate up almost anything.  Even if the meal doesn’t taste the greatest, at least it’s served on the Sunday best!

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Spending hours in the greenhouse has been a godsend.  Along with the plants, the decor is also in shades of soft greens.  Continuing with that theme, I decided to paint the table in BM Limesicle, which blends in nicely with the wall, chair and floor colours.  While looking for inspiration for the garden, I’ve been flipping through one of my favourite garden books, “At Home in the Garden” by Carolyne Roehm.  To sweeten the experience,  I’m burning a heavenly rose-scented candle by Diptyque.  This is time well spent!


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If you are not sick with the Coronavirus (and I sincerely hope you are not), you may be restless, bored and suffering from cabin fever.  While we are waiting for the time when we can do all the things we’ve been putting off, perhaps we can find the beauty in everyday pleasures.  It may help to make the most of these difficult times.

xox Judy

4 thoughts on “Simple Pleasures…”

  1. Love your table vignette Judy. Having had the pleasure of being in your home, it is more than “show home” ready, it is Veranda Magazine material. Glad to hear you are finding joy in your home and greenhouse during this time. It’s almost planting time!!!

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