A New Year…

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Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 1.52.05 PMIt’s New Year’s Eve day as I sit down to write this post.  The lyrics, “another year ended and a new one just begun”, from the John Lennon song, “Happy Christmas” has been on my mind all day.  Many of you are getting ready for a night out with friends,  some of you may be rushing around picking up groceries for a special dinner at home and others are making a list of their resolutions.

I will be home tonight, happily, having take-out pizza in front of the fire watching Anderson Cooper ring in the New Year in Time Square.   By watching the ball drop at midnight EST, I can fool myself into believing I witnessed another new year begin just in case my eyes involuntarily close before the magic hour.   It’s been a whirlwind of activity over the holidays and a quiet evening is a perfect way to end 2017.

I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions but I did think of a something that I could be doing this coming year.  Aside from the usual…eat healthier, exercise more, drink more water…I resolve to be “kinder”.  Our planet is burdened with so many hardships and so much suffering.  Hopefully that pendulum of “good vs evil”  has swung as far as it can go into the “bad” column moving us into a kinder, gentler future.  Movements like this start with individuals changing their perspective and collectively real progress can be achieved.  In my own small way,  I hope to contribute to a global shift for the betterment of all.

Although I don’t have many “followers”… yet,  I thank you all for the opportunity to “talk” to you every week.  It has nudged me “out of my comfort zone” into places I didn’t ever see myself going.  I’ve appreciated all your feedback and comments and the encouragement to keep going.  If you have anything that you would like to “talk” about this year,  I am all ears!

May this be your best year yet…

xxx Judy


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6 thoughts on “A New Year…”

  1. I look forward to your thoughts, you express yourself so beautifully. Have a happy, healthy, wonderful new year. You are my inspiration.

  2. I am always looking forward to reading you blog, it truly inspires me, has given me insight to things like “perfume”, which I love and wanting to investigate further. I have an Apres CC file, that I can go back to and reread some of the blogs. Keep them coming. I love our getting togethers, although never enough, so these blogs keep me in touch and look forward to another get together and catching up. As the last year has come to a close and we step into the new one I keep reminding myself “spring is around the corner” days are getting longer and the opportunities are endless. So I wish you a very Happy New Year with endless inspirations for us the reader. Monique

  3. Hi Monique, What a lovely comment! Thank you. I, too, am looking forward to Spring and the planning that goes with it. We will have to get together soon to share ideas on what’s new for the garden this year.
    That’s always a perfect way to spend an afternoon!

  4. Love your blog Judy! Interesting, diverse and inspirational……you have a new follower. Thank you! And may all of mankind become more tolerant, peace loving and yes, kinder in 2018.

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